#truck camper

(lucky ‘guess’ on my part as to when to stop backing up with the new bike rack!)

I found a large green patch / park on Google Maps not too far north from the same I-85 exit where I happened to stop [to sleep in a parking lot last night], and decided to go check it out..

shortly after breakfast, getting ready to leave North Peninsula State Park and head toward Atlanta..

where I woke up on Crescent Beach..

searching google maps, I found Lake Apopka not too far from the hotel where the Avatar Pro Course was.. after making a stop on the way there to catch up on some work, I made it to the lake just in time to shoot a few photos around sunset (still gotta upload those), and met a guy who lived nearby who loved to fish there.. After doing some more work, I decided to spend the night there as the guy I met said the park didn’t close..


some nice morning light in Atlanta, outside my cousin Chris’s place in Cabbagetown..

where I stayed at the Marriott during the Avatar Course..

stopping for some photos on the beach just south of the old Marineland.. [yes, these shots will be uploaded soon too! been so busy these last few weeks]

..and first time-lapse shot from the roof:


stopping along U.S. Hwy 23 for a quick snack..

preparing to leave my home for a day and head back toward Tampa Bay..

taking a short break while driving through the Ocala National Forest..

Mike at Xtreme Campers sent me over to the Oak Hollow Campground after him and Dave finished installing the camper on my truck.. I got a nice spot right by the water.. Here are a couple quick shots of it.. (yes, the first ones are unexposed as I was avoiding digging out the tripod at first)

[more photos of the camper to come soon.. I’ve been super-busy these last few days]