are all trees one organism?


my sister and I went to John Chestnut Park to fly kites.. the old kite we found sitting in the garage didn’t work too well, though I was able to get some nice shots over the trees with my levitation delta kite.. it’s amazing to look at the world from new perspectives. from above, the trees coming out of the earth start to look like they are all one large living organism. [the tops of the trees look like like broccoli!] a large part of my work is all about exploring perspectives and perception. step back outside of your self and look at the greater picture — you’ll begin to notice things in a new way, and realize your connection to the whole.

imagine things at a different scale. if from above, the tops of the trees appear to be connected as one organism, like a large piece of broccoli, look at an actual piece of broccoli, and seeing it all as one piece of broccoli, imagine each little piece being a separate organism. begin to notice it’s all how we look at it, really. you could pull one piece away from the whole to examine it, though realize it did come from one place, and from a broader perspective, you can see it all as one piece. this is how awakened beings are beginning to see the earth and humanity. there is an invisible place where we are all connected — where we are all one and the same. grow your awareness and you’ll know this place by direct experience and perception. it may be a little crazy at first, though it will be a state of bliss, awe, peace, and love when fully realized.